The Biggest Morning Tea Women’s Charity Event will be held in the marquee this Thursday 30 May.
It will be a 4B Ambrose Hartball Teams event. The Draw for this event is on the website. The booking sheet is “view only” until Wednesday night. If you wish to withdraw or have forgotten to add your name to the sheet, please contact Peta Gilliland or Anne Tucker.
Please contribute a plate of goodies to make this event our biggest-ever morning tea. These delicacies will be on sale during the morning and, combined with monies raised by raffles held on the day, all funds will go to the Cancer Council of NSW.
(Another of Anne Tucker’s beautiful Annescraft baskets will be raffled. To up the stakes, there will be only 20 raffle tickets at $20 each – consider the odds!)
Join in the fun for this very worthy cause and don’t forget to bring cash if you are able (the Eftpos machine will be operating but sometimes demand is overwhelming.)