The Clubhouse works are very close to practical completion. As many of you would have seen, the fences have been removed and most access to the car park has been restored. For Mammoth Constructions to receive practical completion; the Project Manager, Architect, Builder and the Club actioned full defect review of all the works inside and out. Once the defect review is complete, the builder will correct all the defects, or make suggestions for repairs or changes. This normally takes a week or so to complete. We are still hoping to get our occupational certificates in late May and hope to be in the clubhouse, a short time after.
Unfortunately, the wet weather has delayed the sanding of the deck, and the completion of all the landscaping work, which is required for Occupation Certification (OC). We are hoping to action these works as soon as the wet weather eases and we will report back with any updates on possible delays.
I would remind all members that the Clubhouse surrounds are still classed as a work site and access is limited. I understand that everyone is excited and keen to look inside the Club. There are several external projects still to be completed. Please do not walk under the ropes or coned-off areas to access the clubhouse surrounds, this includes the large deck area in front of the Club. We hope to have all the temporary facilities removed and be back in the Clubhouse by late May.