Course Update

The course has received close to 200mm over the past 7 days. The entire golf course is very wet and sloppy, the usual spots in the rough are the worst affected areas. I would suggest all players keep an eye on each others tee shots when teeing off as balls may plug in some places. 

Today was the first time, we were able to access the course to get some work done. We managed to cut the greens and tees but the rest of the course was too wet. All the bunkers are GUR and will be until the weekend, there is more rain forecast but hopefully, the majority will miss us. 

Other local rules will be preferred lies in the “General Area”, relief from stockpiled debris and any new turf areas marked with white paint. Carts are currently off. A course inspection will be done early in the morning to see if they can get out. The website should be updated by 6am with all course conditions.   Just a reminder that we have now stopped parking near the practice nets as play on the 7th hole from the full-length tees has returned. We will continue to monitor the parking and will revert to using this space if it is needed, until we get full access to our car park.