The Club is now operational and “The Call” has returned. Historically, this booking system allowed members early 100% access to the timesheet at 5.30pm when they attended the Club. Phone bookings were after 6pm for non-attendees.
Whilst this was a great social event and generated excellent bar trade income, it put those who could not attend (work, distance, etc.) at a significant disadvantage getting desired bookings.
The Board in the early 2003-4 recognised this disadvantage and a subsequent survey showed clearly there was majority support for moving to a more equitable booking system.
The internet technology enabled online booking, and this was made available. Solid support for this mixed booking process was evident in subsequent surveys.
During the building process, whilst in the marquee, we had a period of “internet only” bookings. We all accepted the need for this and adapted to the change.
The benefits of “The Call” is recognised by the Board and Management and we support its return. It has great social and financial benefits for the Club. We have now returned to a mix of booking slots for attendees at 5.30pm, with internet bookings from 7pm.
There has been some frustration expressed by Call attendees, who despite being at “The Call” may miss out on getting a time slot. It should be noted, those members do still have a 2nd opportunity to book, by taking part in the online draw at 7pm.
Also noteworthy is that those who can’t make “the Call” would also feel frustrated that the number of time slots for them to book is reduced by call attendee’s early access at 5.30pm.
There is no perfect solution to this dilemma, when trying to balance the equitable distribution of time slots, and the financial and social benefits of members attendance at the Club for “the Call”.
It should be noted: There is absolutely no inherent right, while venting their frustration, to aggressively verbally attack staff or board members whilst they do their job. Any member concerns should be directed respectfully and if this cannot be achieved verbally, then in writing to the GM or the Board. Should this inappropriate member behaviour be repeated, it may result in disciplinary action being taken against the member. In a worst-case scenario, this type of behaviour potentially risks “the call” being continued, with the return of 100% internet bookings. I request individual members consider the needs of all the membership, not just themselves. Graeme MacDougal
(on behalf of the Board)