Since Tuesday’s update, the course has received another 12mm of rain, which brings the total rainfall since the 1st of May above 210mm. This is a huge volume of water for our course to process. The course is saturated to a point where we have not been able to have mowers out over the last 2 days, except to cut the greens.
The course conditions for this weekend will see preferred lies in the ‘general area’, all bunkers will be GUR and unfortunately there will be no carts on the course tomorrow (Saturday 11th May).
In saying this, please contact the Pro Shop or log in on our website early in the morning to view the Course Notice in case of a course closure. We suggest this as they are predicting another 60mm of rain coming tonight and tomorrow. Fingers crossed the predictions are wrong, as there is still a possibility of carts being on this Sunday. We will assess the Sunday cart situation and let members know as soon as possible.
If we are open tomorrow, I imagine the course is going to play pretty tough. So please help your partners by watching where their golf ball goes, as this ongoing rain has meant we have not been able to cut the rough for almost 2 weeks! Hopefully after this weekend, the rain gives us a break and we can get the course back to better conditions.
The T20 Challenge’s top 60 players will be hitting the course this Saturday (weather permitting of course) in the hopes of reaching the top 32!
Good luck to all those involved, with bonus points up for grabs, it’s anybody’s game!